Monday, October 17, 2005

The Truth Never Mattered

Although the headline of this Bloomberg News article, 'Cheney May Be Entangled in CIA Leak Investigation, People Say", may provide a schadenfreude moment, the body of article itself does not live up to the teaser headline. Rather, it disappointingly says that there is no indication that Fitzgerald is considering criminal charges against Cheney.

On the other hand, as Frank Rich observed in his column yesterday, It's Bush-Cheney, Not Rove-Libby, "What makes Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation compelling, whatever its outcome, is its illumination of a conspiracy that was not at all petty: the one that took us on false premises into a reckless and wasteful war in Iraq. That conspiracy was instigated by Mr. Rove's boss, George W. Bush, and Mr. Libby's boss, Dick Cheney."

It's true. Whatever the outcome may be of the Plame Investigation, it provided the forum to reveal the truth about the lraq War and the fraud perpetrated by the Administration.

Rich aptly points out that "the truth never mattered. The Bush-Cheney product rolled out . . . had been bought by Congress, the press and the public. The intelligence and facts had been successfully fixed to sell the war . . . ." (Emphasis mine).

Ahh yes, that says it all, and as I would add, there's no way to have justice or peace without truth. Let's hope truth will out, so that there will be justice in this case.

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