Wednesday, October 03, 2007

What's With My Paisans?

Tom Tancredo, Rick Santorum, Louis Barletta (mayor of Hazelton), Joe Vento and now Rudy Giuliani. What do these 5 have in common?

It's a here we go again moment. Another instance of Bigotry in Motion against Immigrants -- by Italian Americans.

The latest outbreak, of course, was Rudy's visit to Geno's Steaks, which gave him the perfect opportunity to show his support for America, without having to wear 9/11 on his lapel. As Will Bunch of Attytood said,
Giuliani to pander on immigration wit' -- here in Philly!:

Rudy Giuliani is finally going to talk about something besides 9/11 (actually, that's a guess, and we'll probably be proven wrong), and he's coming to 2008-election-ignored Philadelphia to do it. On a day when social conservatives and the far right are increasingly worried that the former New York mayor is too liberal on their cultural issues, Giuliani will visit Geno's in South Philly, all so he can order a cheesesteak in front of a sign that says: 'This is America -- When Ordering, Speak English.'

Immediately below the sign, it says 'Management Reserves the Right to Refuse Service.'

Just a coincidence, owner Joey Vento will tell you.

Just like it's a coincidence that Giuliani would bring his presidential campaign for a non-fundraising event in a state where the votes don't really count, since our 2008 presidential primary is in April, long after the front-loaded (and majorly screwed up) nomination process will be decided. Of course, this comes as some far-right Republicans say they'll support a third party if it looks like front-runner Giuliani will get the nomination, because of his stands on issues like abortion...and immigration."
Or, as Monica Yant Kinney put it, In any language, it's ugly;

As campaign cliches go, it doesn't get much better than Giuliani dropping by Joey Vento's neon palace in South Philly.

The Italian American who wants to seal the border, bonding with the Italian American who once told a reporter that immigrants are infecting the U.S. with disease because "Mexicans play and drink out of the same water."

"Whenever I'm at Geno's, I order in English," Giuliani told NBC10's Mike Strug, fanning the flames while contemplating Whiz, American or provolone.

What is it these Italians? Tom, Rick, Louie, Joey and Rudy -- all 1st or 2nd generation sons of Italian immigrants. Who were lucky enough to come to America at a time when the immigration laws were easier.

So why have these decedents of immigrants forgotten their heritage, instead assuming an attitude of privilege? Not a one came over on the Mayflower, I hate to remind them. I'm not sure what it is that causes so many Italians to act this way. In fact, I wince every time I hear them open their mouths. It's embarrassing to be of the same ethnic mix.



Anonymous said...

Did Vento fly his Rebel flag that day? One wonders how Rudy would have defended THAT.

JudiPhilly said...

From pictures I've seen of the event, I believe the flag was flying on a motorcycle parked in front of Geno's.

I'm sure Rudy gave it silent acquiescence, which is GOP Code for approval.