Sunday, December 04, 2005

Another Black Mark for Wal-Mart

As noted in the title (pun intended), Wal-Mart again shows why it deserves every bad word spoken about it. The St. Petersburg Times details the (mis)treatment by Wal-Mart of a black employee of a roofing materials company, in Racial profiling feared at Wal-Mart.

As the article explains: "GAF Materials Corp. is handing out gift cards from Target as a reward to select employees this holiday season. That's because Wal-Mart, the discount store that held the business for years, last week called sheriff's deputies to apprehend a GAF manager on a bogus bad check rap while he was trying to buy this year's gift card supply."

The article goes on the report that a white, female employee of the company had purchased the gift cards for years without incident at the Wal-Mart store. Further, when a VP of the company called the Wal-Mart store for an explanation of the incident, the Wal-Mart store manager "got very defiant. He would not apologize and eventually hung up on me."

Wal-Mart is the Worst.

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