Sunday, December 04, 2005

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

The first snow arrived in Philadelphia last night, with a dusting that ushered in the upcoming "Holiday" season. And with it, although the weather outside might be "frightful," the irony and hypocrisy of the Right is just too delightful.

The (Not So) Religious Right has been preaching its gospel of Christmas: our way or go directly to hell. Non-Christians and sinners beware!! They have declared war on the phrase "Happy Holidays," and have been braying (not praying) and bullying government agencies and various businesses that the only correct expression permitted is "Merry Christmas."

With this backdrop in mind, first, there was the episode with Bill O'Reilly. I'm sure no one has escaped hearing the O'Reilly rants about the attack on Christmas by "liberals," chastising anyone using that godless term, Happy Holidays. He was so busy that he neglected to notice his very own O'Reilly Factor "Holiday" ornament on the Fox News Online store. This earned him MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann: "Today's worst person in the world!" award. Video available at Crooks and Liars. Once Fox realized its "faux pas," it changed it to "Christmas" ornament, but Media Matters has a picture with the original wording: Fox betrays Christmas crusade, sells "Holiday."

Now the Bushes have beat O'Reilly.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State has this article, Have President Bush, First Lady And Republican National Committee Joined 'War On Christmas'?, on their website. They state, with more than a little sarcasm:

The White House's 2005 holiday card is just out, and it doesn't mention the word "Christmas" once.

The card, mailed under the auspices of the Republican National Committee and signed by the president and his wife, reads, "With best wishes for a holiday season of hope and happiness 2005." It also includes a passage from the Old Testament Book of Psalms.

The front cover is an artist's rendition of the White House and grounds covered with snow while the presidential pets, two dogs and a cat, frolic on the lawn. It contains no religious symbolism.

* * * *

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. A treat like this is just like an early Christmas present. Enjoy!!

(White House "Holiday" Card)

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