Thursday, September 22, 2005

Career Path - Eating Bon Bons

A NYT article on September 20, Many Women at Elite Colleges Set Career Path to Motherhood, reminded me of my law school days (back in the dark ages, circa 1977) when the guys complained that women were taking up spots that could be filled by men who would work for a living, rather than women who would just spend a few years in the work force until they got a husband and family. I wasn't crazy about the stereotype then, and it doesn't resonate much more so today. I feel the same way if it's perpetrated by a female.

Jack Shafer, from Slate's on line magazine, has a few apt observations about the article in Weasel-Words Rip My Flesh!. Another blog also weighs in on the matter, in gelflog: media. Both note the problems with the survey and gelfog includes the questions that were asked.

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