Sunday, October 16, 2005

Let there be Life

In honor of Sunday, I thought I'd focus on religion, with a few God quotes -- by way of Jon Stewart (The Daily Orange):

"Everyone always says God said, 'Let there be life,'" [Jon] Stewart said, speaking God's voice in a grandiose, official fashion. "Really? Or did He just say, 'Shit, this is due tomorrow.'"

Stewart also thinks God is on the side of the Democrats:

"But to give some credit to the Democrats, Jesus will return soon in all his rapture," Stewart said, again intertwining religion with his speech. "And when that happens, the saved will ascend to heaven, and the damned will go to hell. And it is at this point that I believe the Democrats will regain control of the Congress."

(Via reyonthehill)

1 comment: said...

Thank you for the mention. Very nice blog.