Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Random Fetish

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart interview with Bill Bennett discusses the Gay Marriage Amendment. The exchange, in part:

Stewart: So why not encourage gay people to join in in that family arrangement if that is what provides stability to a society?

Bennett: Well I think if gay. . gay people are already members of families...

Stewart: What?!

Bennett: They're sons and they're daughters..

Stewart: So that's where the buck stops, that's the gay ceiling.

Bennett Look, it's a debate about whether you think marriage is between a man and a women.

Stewart:I disagree, I think it's a debate about whether you think gay people are part of the human condition or just a random fetish.
Once that hate gets out, it's hard to put a lid on it. It becomes acceptable to be a bigot, as we are seeing more of, daily.

Blogger Towleroad reports that, in Boston Macy's Removes Gay Mannequins After Wingnuts Complain. The mannequins were removed "after complaints from the group [MassResistance] that the display was offensive. The display was designed by Macy's with approval of the Boston Pride Committee."

The display offended "a few of their customers," so they removed it. When do the black mannequins go to the back of the bus? When the Council of Concerned Citizens objects?

As Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo noted, they want even the gay mannequins back in the closet.

Oh Federated, not a good move. I would venture that more "gay" money is spent at Macy's and Bloomies than Christian Right $$. I may not be gay, but my money is going elsewhere too.

UPDATE: More from Jon Stewart on the Defense Gay Marriage a/k/a Defense of Bigotry saga.

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