Monday, October 23, 2006

A Right of Privacy, Not Hypocrisy

Bill Maher's show, Real Time, was very good this week. His New Rules were excellent, see Can't Think in a Tank.

The panel discussion (see video) on gays in Congress was also very good, with Rep. Barney Frank (D. Mass) on the panel. For example:

Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal said: What, the fact that there are Gay Republicans, is that a crime?

Barney Franks responded: It would be if the Republicans had their way. (laughter) Excuse me, I mean that literally.

Leonard Pitts also explored this theme in a Philadelphia Inquirer article, GOP's tent not as big as needed. As he remarks:

The GOP philosophy seems to be that it's OK to be gay, so long as you're not, you know, "gay." Sort of in the way the party prizes those black folks - Rice, Colin Powell - who don't go around reminding people they're black all the time. The thinking seems to be, sure, you can join us. All it will cost you is who you are.


Another Real Time segment worth viewing, is at One Good Move, Jack Bauer Justice.

Barney Franks again got to the heart of the matter when he said, "It's not terrorists we're talking about, it's people accused of terrorism."

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