Thursday, May 31, 2007

I Just Got Stung by a WASP

Help!! The White, Christian, male power structure is in trouble!

Via Crooks and Liars, is the video (which I don't want on my site) of Bill O'Reilly whining to John McCain about the brown-skinned people coming to take his rightful place away from him. I never thought that I'd see such raw bigotry as was in evidence with these two WASPs (even though Bill's a C, not a P).

Bill O'Reilly: But do you understand what the New York Times wants, and the far-left want? They want to break down the white, Christian, male power structure, which you're a part, and so am I, and they want to bring in millions of foreign nationals to basically break down the structure that we have. In that regard, Pat Buchanan is right. So I say you've got to cap with a number.

John McCain: In America today we've got a very strong economy and low unemployment, so we need addition farm workers, including by the way agriculture, but there may come a time where we have an economic downturn, and we don't need so many.

O'Reilly: But in this bill, you guys have got to cap it. Because estimation is 12 million, there may be 20 [million]. You don't know, I don't know. We've got to cap it.

McCain: We do, we do. I agree with you

I never understood the fondness of many for John McCain, see, e.g., More of the Same with McCain. I'm just glad his true self is showing -- that he's becoming increasingly irrelevant, as they say.

As for O'Reilly, I think Bill feels a definite need for some Apartheid laws here in the good old USA to protect his way of life from those brown skinned people who are looking to overrun Whitey. I guess the same holds true for liberal women. GOP women are OK, since they are blond, shrill mouthpieces who know their place.

Bill knows his days of white, Christian "glory" are numbered & I'm just counting the days.

~ ~ ~ ~
An apt quote from Jon Stewart (which can likewise apply to the white male part):

"Is there an expiration date on this Christian Persecution Complex? Because last time I checked, you guys have pretty much controlled everything since Constantine was in power. Can we move on, please? And he converted in, ahhh, what was it, 312 AD? I'm just saying, enjoy your success."


Al Swearengen said...

A year ago and a year before that, this idiot would have hollered at a guest who accused the right of being concerned about the race issue.

Now he's being out-crazied by Lou Dobbs, and my guess is his ratings are starting to slip, so he's turning it up a notch.

100% show business

JudiPhilly said...

Really? I have to admit, I try to ignore these nuts as much as possible, since they rarely (if ever) say anything worth hearing.

So, if this was purely theater, I'd give it 2 thumbs down.