Wednesday, November 22, 2006

There's a Place for You

IRAQ STUDY GROUP’S MAGIC ‘BULLET’: SEND LA COPS TO BAGHDAD, according to Don Davis of the Satirical Political Report:

Although its formal proposals are not due out until the end of the year, The New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh has learned that the key recommendation of the Iraq Study Group will be to send a battalion of LA cops to Baghdad.

While this was not part of the Baker Commission’s initial plan, recent events — including LA officers repeatedly punching a suspected gang member in the face, and UCLA cops tasering a student in the campus library — have convinced the bipartisan Commission that this just may be the last, best hope.

The proposal, being marketed as “Stay the Coarse,” or “Tased Re-Destroyment,” was briefly summarized by Commission Co-Chairman Lee Hamilton: “no disrespect to the Marines, but if you’re ever going to get control of the insane asylum known as Baghdad, you have to send in your own crazy motherfuckers.”

The perfect solution.

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