Friday, November 02, 2007

Just Say No

* To Attorney General nominee Michael Mukasey, who doesn't seem to understand that like porn, torture is something that you just know when you see it, Nominee’s Stand May Avoid Tangle of Torture Cases.

* To telecom immunity or further erosion of our privacy rights, America Is Watching You and With Democrats Like These ....

* To Blackwater, Heat Builds On Blackwater: Congresswoman Moves To Ban Private Security Contractors.

* To Bush on Iran, Senators warn Bush has no authority on Iran and Inexorable march toward war with Iran?.

* To further funding the civil war and chaos in Iraq, Another $200 Billion.

* And last, but certainly not least, to Democrats acting like spineless, cowardly, vacillating clowns, The Soft Underbelly of the Democratic Party.

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